
We cultivate curiosity.

Our student-centered curriculum is guided by experiential learning and the tenets of respect, responsibility and community. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, in preschool and kindergarten classes, teachers draw lessons from the play-based environment and students' emerging interests. In upper grades, students conduct their own research and observations, experiencing math, science and other subjects in real-life applications — be it dissecting a pumpkin or researching and observing crayfish.

Learning is enriched with beloved "specials." Weekly classes in art, music, technology education, library and Spanish, as well as twice-weekly physical education instruction, are part of the HBS approach that empowers young children to develop into well-rounded individuals. Moreover, specialists work collaboratively across disciplines and with classroom teachers to deeply integrate creative skills and core learning. The annual Extravaganza de Español, for example, sees children learning songs and skits in Spanish, connecting that with art projects inspired by Spanish-speaking artists, library lessons featuring multicultural literature, and even building props in Tech Ed.

At Henry Barnard, we know that not every child learns in the same way. Our intervention specialists work one-on-one with families to accommodate a child’s specific learning needs. From assessments to 504 plans, reading, writing and fluency these specialists play a supporting role in an HBS education.

Small class sizes facilitate individualized learning and hands-on inquiry. Typically no more than 18 students, class sizes are currently kept to secure pods to maintain safe social distance.